Wednesday, 27 March 2013


MONTREAL, MARCH 27,  2013- The English Montreal School Board (EMSB) Council of Commissioners has  confirmed that a proposed new high school in Côte Saint-Luc will be named Wallenberg Academy. It will begin operations for the 2014-2015 academic year, provided an optimum number of 60  students enrol next fall.

EMSB Chairman Angela Mancini stated that unlike previous attempts to bring a new mainstream high school to the former Wagar High School facility,  now called the Giovanni Palatucci  Facility, plans  call for an appropriate window to be given to  introduce an enriched curriculum and an open house  in early fall 2013. The new school would cohabitate with John Grant High School, Marymount Adult Education Centre, the CARE Program and the EMSB Book Processing Centre.  

The EMSB ran a successful name the school contest last fall and early winter. Commissioner Syd Wise, who heads the task force studying the option, notes that there was  a natural connection between the names of Palatucci and Wallenberg.  Palatucci was an Italian police official who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust.  Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary. Consideration was also given to naming the school after two  distinguished Montrealers, the late poet Irving Layton and the late  writer Mordecai Richler.  

It is the intent of the EMSB to start the school with Secondary I students. The school concept has the full cooperation of the City of Cote Saint-Luc and Mayor Anthony Housefather, who sits on the task force. Plans call for sports concentration, heritage languages and enriched science, English and music programs to be offered.

A public information meeting will be held in May for parents and an open house next fall, followed by a registration period.

For more information call 514-483-7200 ext.  7429.

Michael J. Cohen
Communications and Marketing Specialist
English Montreal School Board
(514) 483-7200, ext. 7243

1 comment:

  1. Love the ethnically segregated schools of the english school boards. italians have their 98% italian schools, jews have their own, blacks have almost theirs and so on.... ethnic diversity isnt as important to keping an old ethnic identity of dead ancestors...

    God forbid having a school named after a CANADIAN... no... of course not, because canadian identity falls way behind upholding the identity of someones grandfather.

    The ghettoization of english schools is not something to be proud of especially with all the diversity talk. Its always about what can I do for MY group (hence, the reason why we went from having ethnic language classes that parents had to pay for to having it part of the curriculum so the school board pays for your 'own' special needs and then force other students to either join in or be treated like lepers. Fabulous.) because thats what matters most, me and those like me.

    And we wonder why there is no canadian identity. its not the americans culture fault but our own for treating it the way we do and thinking that a few symbolic force fed events does anything.


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