Thursday, 6 February 2025

Student Voices: Royal West Academy gives an important boost to Tyndale-St-Georges Centre

By Alice Myers

Secondary III

“Fostering community and care for one another.” This is one of the five core values listed on the Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre’s website, which also include “practicing inclusion” and “leading with integrity.” These are the same commitments that encompass Tyndale Week at Royal West Academy in Montreal West – the only school in the EMSB to hold a fundraiser for this underserved community.

The community centre, which offers academic and social programs for all ages, states that its mission is to “empower, help develop and be a presence to the community of Little Burgundy by offering programs designed to promote self-reliance, growth and fulfillment.” They currently serve around 150 families, offering them play groups and workshops, among many other programs. Having been in action for almost one hundred years, since 1927, the non-profit is dependent on donations, which represent over 65 percent of their operating budget. 

Since 2007, Royal West has raised over $140,000 for the community centre. However,  Tyndale Week has been a staple of the school community since at least 1997. The event consists of each homeroom brainstorming creative fundraisers to encourage people to donate to the Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre, with an additional – and extremely popular – activity called Penny Wars, which raises an impressive amount of money every year. The game divides the school into teams by grade and has members of the Leadership & Leisure Studies course., who took over running the activity fifteen years ago, carry buckets to collect money from students during the recess and lunch periods. Each grade aims to raise the most money using only coins, motivated by the prize of a half-day for the whole grade later on in the year. Dollar bills act as “bombs,” subtracting points from whichever bucket they are deposited in. This leads to an extra influx of donations, as the seventh graders, determined to win, are often seen dropping twenty-dollar bills into the other grades’ buckets. However, they have not yet been introduced to the Tyndale Week tradition, which the school’s principal Tony Pita calls his favourite part of the week: on the last day of Penny Wars, after having consistently placed last for the duration of the fundraiser, the seniors bring buckets of coins to deposit and a number of bills to “bomb” the seventh-graders, winning by a landslide.

The game has evolved over the years, specifically in 2012, when pennies stopped being produced in Canada. Physical Education and Leadership & Leisure Studies teacher Jeffrey. Bateman, who has spent 20 years at Royal West, explains. Presently, all coins count for points, though there have been some challenges involving local banks being unable to supply sufficient loonies and toonies to meet the students’ demand. More recently-created fundraisers are quickly weaving their way into Tyndale Week culture, including Mr. Pita’s personal favourite: teacher karaoke. Students can pay to see their teachers get onstage in the auditorium and sing their hearts out. Marie-Claire O’Neil, a physical education teacher who has been working at Royal West for 32 years, notes that Tyndale Week is not only entertaining for the students, but also provides a fun environment for the staff. She says the event serves as “an opportunity for the community to come together,” noting the elevated levels of excitement in her homeroom during Tyndale Week. Ms. O’Neil also highlights the fact that students are more eager to be at school during the fundraisers. “It feels like a family,” she emphasizes.

Jamal Zigby, a finance, biology, and physics teacher who has worked at Royal West for 25 years, shares this sentiment. He calls Tyndale “a week of activities that builds and fuels homeroom bonds,” noting the positive effect it has on the community. Like Ms. O’Neil, he notes that the “excitement of working together” during the fundraisers strengthens relationships within the school.

Mr. Pita agrees, emphasizing the importance of building community with shared values and goals. “We talk too much about what divides us,” he says, “instead of what we have in common.” He has been working at Royal West for 14  (non-consecutive) years combined, saying, “Life always brings [him] back to Royal West.” He says that despite our individual differences, we all come together in the spirit of giving, and that when we do so, there is “nothing we couldn’t do.” 

Friday, 13 December 2024

Student Voices: Rosemount High School Weight Room is now open for business

By Jayden Ogiamien, Secondary V student

 The long-awaited Rosemount High School Weight Room is officially open to students on a regular basis. Previously, the room was exclusively for teachers and staff to work out during their off hours. But not anymore. Now students, too, get to reap the benefits of working out. Why should teachers have all the fun?

The room features a variety of equipment for workouts, covering all the major muscle groups. Equipment includes a bench press, barbell squats, and bicep curls. In addition, it features two treadmills, dumbbells ranging from 2.5 lbs to 60 lbs, kettle weights ranging from 5 lbs to 40 lbs, multiple pull-up bars, and a lat pull-down machine. Novice gym-goers may find the room overwhelming at first. Luckily, the weight room’s fitness coach knows how to put them at ease with his welcoming attitude.

“Many students, stressed by homework and assignments, sometimes can’t work out because they don’t have the time,” the weight room committee states. “But they forget that you will never have the time to work out. Time isn’t something you have or don’t have—you have to dedicate time to it. Our accessible weight room helps students find some time in their day to prioritize their well-being.”

The truth is, for most students, a private gym is often inconvenient and comes with a hefty price tag. This makes Rosemount’s facility all the more important for students hesitant to join a gym.

The weight room is a place where students can focus on building stronger mindsets that will serve them well later in life—provided they put in the hard work necessary. Fortunately, the weight room’s fitness coach keeps students motivated.

With all this taken into consideration, the weight room perfectly aligns with Rosemount’s core belief. This belief is encapsulated in the proverb on the school’s crest, engraved on all RHS uniforms: Labor Omnia Vincit, meaning “hard work conquers all.”

Watch Jayden's video on Instagram

Thursday, 17 October 2024

EMSB Election Results Information Centre/Centre d'information sur les résultats des élections de la CSEM

Voters within the territory of the English Montreal School Board have cast their ballots for the choice of chair and commissioner in 10 wards. There was a 22.9  percent voter turnout. Joe Ortona was re-elected chair while each of team members won their wards.

Here are the final results:


Katherine Korakakis, Team Katherine Korakakis  4,701

Joe Ortona, Team Joe Ortona 13,407

Ward 1  (FINAL)


Franco Mazzariello, Team Katherine Korakakis  425

Susan Perera , Team Joe Ortona  916

Ward 2  (FINAL)


Chelsea Craig,  Team Joe Ortona 820

Howie Silbiger, Team Katherine Korakakis 337

Ward 3  (FINAL)

 Côte-Saint-Luc. Montreal West, Hampstead 

Samara Perez, Team Katherine Korakakis   1,110

Paola Samuel, Team Joe Ortona   1,607

Ward 4  (FINAL)

 Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve–Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie–Plateau-Mont-Royal–Anjou–Montreal-Est 

Maria Corsi, Team Joe Ortona    1,121

Viktoriya Grosko, Team Katherine Korakakis    333

Ward 5  (FINAL)


Joseph Lalla, Team Katherine Korakakis    853

Sharon Nelson, Team Joe Ortona   1,132

Ward 6 (FINAL)


Tony Aversano, Team Katherine Korakakis  340

Pietro Mercuri, Team Joe Ortona  2,248

Ward 7 (FINAL)


James Kromida, Team Joe Ortona  974

Vicky Pololos, Team Katherine Korakakis  471

Ward 8   (FINAL)


Mario Pietrangelo,  Team Joe Ortona    1,681

Antonio Zaruso,  Team Katherine Korakakis  521

Ward 9  (FINAL)


Joanne Charron, Team Katherine Korakakis 310

Paula Kilian,  Team Joe Ortona  938

Ward 10  (FINAL)


Shalani Bel, Team Katherine Korakakis     706

Julien Feldman, Team Joe Ortona  1,243

Les électrices et les électeurs ont exercé leur droit de vote lors des élections scolaires 2024 de la Commission scolaire English-Montréal.


Katherine Korakakis, Team Katherine Korakakis  4,674

Joe Ortona, Team Joe Ortona 13,289

Circonscription 1 (FINALE)


Franco Mazzariello, Team Katherine Korakakis 425

Susan Perera, Team Joe Ortona  916

Circonscription 2 (FINALE)


Chelsea Craig, Team Joe Ortona      1,039

Howie Silbiger, Team Katherine Korakakis   631

Circonscription 3  (FINALE)

Côte Saint-Luc–Montréal-Ouest–Hampstead 

Samara Perez, Team Katherine Korakakis   1,110

Paola Samuel, Team Joe Ortona   1,607

Circonscription 4  (FINALE)

Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve–Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie–Plateau-Mont Royal–Anjou–Montréal-Est 

Maria Corsi, Team Joe Ortona    1,121

Viktoriya Grosko, Team Katherine Korakakis 333

Circonscription 5  (FINALE)


Joseph Lalla, Team Katherine Korakakis    853

Sharon Nelson, Team Joe Ortona  1,132

Circonscription 6  (FINALE)


Tony Aversano, Team Katherine Korakakis     340

Pietro Mercuri, Team Joe Ortona   2,248

Circonscription 7  (FINALE)


James Kromida, Team Joe Ortona  974

Vicky Pololos, Team Katherine Korakakis  471

Circonscription 8   (FINALE)


Mario Pietrangelo, Team Joe Ortona  1,681

Antonio Zaruso, Team Katherine Korakakis  521

Circonscription 9  (FINALE) 


Joanne Charron, Team Katherine Korakakis 310

Paula Kilian,  Team Joe Ortona  938

Circonscription 10  (FINALE)


Shalani Bel, Team Katherine Korakakis    752

Julien Feldman, Team Joe Ortona   1,243

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Conference for professionals: understanding sibling relationships throughout the lifespan


Ometz excited to announce that the Pearl Leibovitch Clinical Day, a conference for professionals, is back by popular demand. Hosted by Ometz, this year's event promises to deliver insights and strategies to enhance your understanding of sibling relationships throughout the lifespan.


Roots and Branches: Cultivating strong Sibling Bonds from Childhood Onwards*

with speakers Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker and Dr. Tanya Rouleau Whitworth

November 12, 2024

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Location to be confirmed upon registration


Registration Fees (includes light lunch):

Standard: $200

Early Bird: $175 (Register before September 15th)

Language: English with simultaneous translation


There's more!

The Pear Leibovitch Community Webinar for parents will be taking place on November 11th, click here to learn more.


Pour faire suite à la demande générale, nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le retour de la journée de perfectionnement Pearl Leibovitch, une conférence pour les professionnels. Organisé par l’Agence Ometz, l’événement de cette année a pour objectif de vous apporter des informations et stratégies afin de mieux comprendre les relations fraternelles à tout moment de la vie.


Créer des liens solides entre frères et sœurs dès l’enfance : Gérer les conflits, éviter le favoritisme et préserver l’harmonie

Avec nos intervenantes Corinna Jenkins Tucker et Tanya Rouleau Whitworth

12 novembre 2024*

9 h – 13 h

Lieu à confirmer au moment de l'inscription


Frais d’inscription (repas léger sera servi):

Standard : 200 $

Inscription anticipée : 175 $ (s'inscrire avant le 15 septembre)

Langue : Anglais avec traduction simultanée


Il y a plus!

Le webinaire communautaire de Pearl Leibovitch pour les parents aura lieu le 11 novembre, cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Information for Schools Planning Terry Fox Runs

 Here is a letter the EMSB received from the Terry Fox Foundation in Montreal

Thanks so much for your support of the Terry Fox School Run. Every year, we continue to be blown away by the generosity of schools across Canada.  We can’t thank you enough for your leadership to foster a culture of giving within your family of schools.  We have another exciting year planned for this year’s Terry Fox School Run scheduled for Friday, September 27 or any date that schools choose.

 Every school that signs up receives a complementary Terry Fox Toolkit of promotional materials, a customized online fundraising page and access to a wide array of online resources. Here are just a few of the resources we provide:

Complimentary Virtual Presentations:  Our dynamic and engaging speakers will inspire students by covering topics including Terry’s life and legacy and advancements in cancer research, along with a live Q and A.

K-12 Terry Fox Lesson Plans: Teach Terry – Our Terry theme-based lesson plans are written by educators for educators and are widely used across the country each year.

Leadership Guides: Our resources strive to broaden student social awareness and support new young leaders by empowering them to lead their Terry Fox School Run.

This year we have almost 10,000 schools coast to coast to coast participating. We are working towards a goal of signing up every school in Canada, but we need your help! Please share the sample message below with your school communities in support of this year’s School Run. 

As we begin the school year, the Terry Fox School Run is fast approaching, and we encourage all schools to participate in this fantastic event to help continue the legacy of one of our greatest Canadian heroes. This year the Foundation has a goal to sign up every school in Canada. Let’s all work together to help them reach their goal and support cancer research!

The School Run is scheduled for Friday, September 27 but you are welcome to choose any date that works for your school. If you have not already registered for this year’s Run, please visit for a quick and easy registration. Upon registering, a complementary Terry Fox Toolkit of promotional materials will be shipped to you by your provincial Terry Fox Foundation office located at:

Terry Fox Foundation School Provincial Office

8255 Mountain Sights, Suite 400, Montreal Quebec H4P 2B5 USA

(Also - Please direct schools to use this address above to send any cheques or pledge sheets for the Terry Fox Foundation)

Thank you for continuing to uphold Terry's enduring legacy and inspire future generations in the fight against cancer! We hope you have a terrific Terry Fox School Run!

Your support will make a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families today and in the future! Thank you!

Lyne Benoit

Director, Community & School Runs, Quebec


Monday, 26 August 2024

The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA Introduces NHL STREET: Montreal’s Thrilling New Ball Hockey League!

Get ready, Montreal! The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is excited to unveil an electrifying array of sports leagues and activities that promise to ignite a passion for fitness, fun, and together-ness. Known for setting the gold standard in youth and adult programs, the Y is taking it up a notch this season by introducing NHL STREET™, the NHL’s official youth ball hockey league, to our already stellar lineup.

At the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA, we believe in more than just physical activity—we believe in building strong, inclusive communities. Whether it's through our Wolves basketball program, the renowned George and Eleanor Reinitz Wrestling Centre, our diverse range of recreation and sports activities, or our world-class fitness facilities, there’s something for everyone. Our commitment to inclusivity shines through in specialized programs designed for individuals with diverse neurological and physi-cal abilities, ensuring every member of our community has a place to thrive.

"We’re incredibly proud to offer such a wide variety of programs that embody the spirit of health, wellness, and community," said Jeff Bicher, CEO of the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA. "Our goal is to cre-ate a welcoming environment where individuals and families can connect, celebrate, learn, and grow together. From our Parent and Tot programs to our active teens and adults, we have something for everyone to enjoy."

NHL STREET™: The Ultimate Youth Ball Hockey Experience

Program Dates: September 8 - December 22


The highlight of our season is NHL STREET™, a dynamic, street-style hockey league bringing the thrill of the NHL to Montreal’s youth. Open to boys and girls aged 8 – 14, NHL STREET™ offers an inclu-sive and exciting environment where kids can experience the pure joy of hockey—no skates required! This league is all about the core values of youth sports: having fun, staying active, making friends, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. With the NHL’s expertise backing the program, partic-ipants are in for an unparalleled experience.

Wolves Basketball: Where Talent Meets Community

Program Dates: September 2024 - March 2025

Tryouts start August 25:

Our Wolves Basketball program is not just about playing the game; it’s about excelling in it. Designed for young athletes eager to take their skills to the next level, Wolves Basketball offers a top-tier train-ing environment that nurtures talent, discipline, and a deep love for the sport. This is where future stars are born, and lifelong bonds are formed.

George and Eleanor Reinitz Wrestling Centre: A Powerhouse of Champions

Program Dates: September 8 - December 22, 2024

Registration and information:

The George and Eleanor Reinitz Wrestling Centre at the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is a cornerstone of excellence, known for producing some of Canada’s top wrestling talent. Serving as the premier train-ing hub for both elite and recreational wrestlers, the Centre boasts an impressive 78% win rate and has made a significant mark on the international stage. In 2022 alone, wrestlers from the Centre brought home 153 medals, and this year, Alex Moore and Linda Morais, along with coach David Zil-berman, proudly represented Canada at the Paris Olympics!

World-Class Fitness at Your Fingertips

The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is more than just a gym—it’s a fitness haven. Our 13,500-square-foot facility includes a cutting-edge fitness center, a 100-meter running track, state-of-the-art studios, and a 25 metre, 8 lane swimming pool. With unlimited weekly group fitness classes included in membership, plus personal and group training options, there’s no limit to what you can achieve here. Come for a tour, try a complimentary day pass, and experience the Y difference.

Membership: Unlock Exclusive Perks

Membership information:

Becoming a member of the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA means gaining access to a wealth of exclusive benefits. Enjoy early registration and discounted rates on our programs, full access to our fitness and aquatic centers, and more. Members can also take advantage of unlimited group fitness classes, affordable indoor parking, and special perks through our Y Health Club, including sauna access, complimentary towels and robes, and a serene relaxation lounge.

Join us today and be part of something truly special. Whether you’re looking to stay fit, learn some-thing new, or just have fun, the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA has it all. Take a moment to check out our recreation guide Let’s make this season unforgettable—together!

A Rich Legacy of Community Engagement 

The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is a not-for-profit organization that plays a prominent role in the life of the Jewish community in Montreal, upholding a long rich history of Jewish values and traditions for more than 110 years. The Y provides a welcoming, pluralistic Jewish environment where the Montreal community can access a range of exceptional programs and incomparable services for the body, mind, and soul. In alignment with our mission, vision, and values, the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is committed to the fundamental principles of personal freedom, equal opportunity, and human dignity. We invite and engage all those who wish to participate, including but not limited to, people of any race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion, gender identity & expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and family structure. 

A Transformative Jewish Journey for Children in Grades 1 to 6: Montreal's Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA Re-Launches Ivri Anochi:

The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is thrilled to announce the re-launch of Ivri Anochi, an immersive Jewish journey tailored specifically for children in Grades 1 to 6 who do not attend Jewish day school. This unique program, set to run on Wednesdays from September 11, 2024, to June 11, 2025, offers an unparalleled opportunity for young Jewish children to deepen their connection to their heritage in a dynamic and engaging environment. EMSB students are welcome to register.

 Ivri Anochi is designed as an interactive and experiential journey, providing participants with the tools to foster a deep sense of Jewish identity. Click here for more information.

Children will:

Nurture a connection to the Montreal Jewish community and Israel: strengthening their ties to their heritage and building a sense of belonging.

Deepen understanding of Jewish values, tradition, and culture: through hands-on, engaging activities that make learning fun.

Develop basic comfort with the Hebrew language: gaining foundational language skills in a supportive setting.

Form lasting friendships with other Jewish children: creating bonds that can last a lifetime.

Program Highlights

Students are divided into two age groups. While one group engages in hands-on Jewish expe-riences, the other enjoys our gorgeous pool. The groups then switch, ensuring everyone partic-ipates in both activities.

By 5:30 PM, when parents arrive for pick-up, all participants will have engaged in fun Jewish activities, exercised, played with Jewish friends, and bonded with awesome role models.

Why Choose Ivri Anochi?

Complimentary monitored transportation: provided from certain schools depending on need.

Flexible enrollment options: Ivri Anochi runs for 30 weeks during the school year. Families can receive a 10% discount by registering for the full year upfront or opt to enroll in each 10-week block separately.

Our program animators, who are carefully selected young adults, serve as inspiring Jewish role mod-els, bringing immense value to the experience. Their passion and dedication ensure that each child feels supported and encouraged on their Jewish journey.

Meet Shira, a Jewish Educator for Ivri Anochi 

Growing up in Vancouver’s Jewish community, Shira was deeply involved in Jewish school and summer camp. After moving to Montreal, she continued her engagement by teaching Torah school during university and working at the Y post-graduation in both the Jewish Life and fitness depart-ments. As a Jewish educator for Ivri Anochi, Shira is excited to inspire and learn from the next gener-ation of Jewish youth, bringing innovative and dynamic approaches to shared traditions.

Ivri Anochi is a no-brainer! Give your child the gift of an enriching Jewish experience they will cherish. Sign up today!

A Rich Legacy of Community Engagement 

The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is a not-for-profit organization that plays a prominent role in the life of the Jewish community in Montreal, upholding a long rich history of Jewish values and traditions for more than 110 years. The Y provides a welcoming, pluralistic Jewish environment where the Montreal community can access a range of exceptional programs and incomparable services for the body, mind, and soul. In alignment with our mission, vision, and values, the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is committed to the fundamental principles of personal freedom, equal opportunity, and human dig-nity. We invite and engage all those who wish to participate, including but not limited to, people of any race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion, gender identity & expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and family structure. 

For more information or to inquire about transportation options from your child’s school, please con-tact Keren Ludvig, Chief Program and Community Engagement Officer at or 514-737-6551 ext.215. 


Student Voices: Royal West Academy gives an important boost to Tyndale-St-Georges Centre

By Alice Myers Secondary III “Fostering community and care for one another.” This is one of the five core values listed on the Tyndale St-Ge...