Thursday, 29 June 2023

Special Report: Balanced budget adopted; appointment of principals and vice-principals - La CSEM a adopté un budget équilibré


On June 29, 2023, the Council of Commissioners of the English Montreal School Board adopted a balanced budget, with revenues of just over  $410  million for the 2023-2024 academic year.

As permitted by Budgetary Rules, the EMSB has included in next year’s budget the equivalent of 15 percent of the adjusted June 30, 2022 accumulated surplus.  This will allow the board to benefit from an amount of  $8,956,113 of additional funds.


Le 29 juin 2023, le conseil des commissaires de la Commission scolaire English-Montréal (CSEM) a adopté un budget équilibré, dont les revenus atteindront un peu plus de 410 millions de dollars pour l'année scolaire 2023-2024.Tel que permis par les règles budgétaires, la CSEM a inclus dans son budget de l'an prochain l'équivalent de 15 % du surplus accumulé ajusté au 30 juin 2022. La commission scolaire sera ainsi à même de bénéficier de fonds supplémentaires totalisant 8 956 113 $.


A number of administrative appointments have been made for the 2023-24 academic year.


Returning from sabbaticals and to their former schools are: Carmen Nicolas (Willingdon Elementary School in NDG) and David Lee (Gerald McShane Elementary School in Montreal North). Resuming her role as Principal at St. Monica Elementary School in NDG is Silvana Crigna.

Civita Tudino (third from the left) at  Teacher Award ceremony in May.

Schools getting new Principals are:  John Caboto Academy in Ahuntsic, Sonia Marotta (previously at Honoré Mercier in St. Léonard); Honoré-Mercier, Patrizia  Tummillo (previously at John Caboto); FACE School,  Angela Vaudry, (previously at Royal West Academy and on sabbatical this past year); Dunrae Gardens Elementary in TMR,  Cynthia Canale (previously vp at East Hill in RDP);  and James Lyng Adult Education Centre in St.Henri,  Tina Spiridigliozzi (previously vp at Laurier Macdonald Career Centre). Retiring is Civita Tudino from James Lyng Adult Education Centre. Taking a sabbatical is Despina Michakis at Dunrae Gardens. 


Andrea Dillon


Schools getting new vice-principals are Carlyle Elementary in TMR, Mario Benvenuto (previously vp at Michelangelo International in RDP);Nesbitt Elementary in Rosemount, Miranda Serrecchia (previously vp at Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Léonard); Royal Vale in NDG, Jessica Monti (previously vp at Pierre de Coubertin Elementary in St. Léonard);  Pierre de Coubertin, Lisa Triestino (previously vp at LaurenHill Academy in St. Laurent);  LaurenHill Academy, Alex Kulczyk (previously replacement principal at Gerald McShane) and Andrea Dillon (previously vp at James Lyng High School); FACE School,  Jennifer Harriet (previously replacement principal at this school); Parkdale Elementary in St. Laurent, Jennifer Martins (previously vp at  LaurenHill Academy);  James Lyng High School, Cristina Voggas  (previously vp at Honoré-Mercier and on sabbatical this past year);  Wagar Adult Education Centre in Côte Saint-Luc, Bernard Osei-Asamoah (previously vp at this school); Galileo Adult Education Centre in Montreal North, Antoinette Scrocca (previously vp at St. Pius X Community Schools);  St. Pius X Community Schools, Danica Lewington (previously acting principal at Wagar); St. Laurent Adult Education Centre, Peter Byron (previously vp at Laurier Macdonald Career Centre); Rosemount Technology Centre,  Danny Midlash (previously a teacher at Laurier Macdonald Career Centre); Laurier Macdonald Career Centre,  Réal Heppelle (previously vp at Rosemount Technology Centre);  Lester B. Pearson High School,  Christina di Sorbo (previously a teacher at Vincent Massey Collegiate); Willingdon Elementary, Peter McKelvie (previously replacement principal at St. Monica) and Westmount Park Elementary School,  Chrisoula Pappas (continuing as replacement vp).

"Pride" at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School.


The English Montreal School Board embraced Pride Month in June, with a number of schools organizing activities.

See our full story here.


 La Commission scolaire English-Montréal (CSEM) a souligné le Mois de la fierté en juin avec diverses activités organisées dans certaines écoles.

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